Live, Online Classes FAQs

What platform are you using?

We are using ZOOM! ZOOM is an online virtual meeting platform that's super easy to download to your phone, iPad or laptop. You'll be prompted to download the app through the link provided once you reserve your spot in your class. You’ll need a link and password to enter the class, so you’ll be prompted to login to reserve your space in the class. A valid class pass is needed to reserve a space in the class.

What technology do I need?

  • An Internet connection

  • A fully charged device (phone, tablet or laptop)

  • A light source that’s behind your device if possible, to help to reduce shadows.

What if my kids are acting crazy and loud in the background?

Thats ok, we expect it! Also, during the class when we are instructing, all microphones will be muted so you can hear us! Like our in-person classes, you might want to have some snacks and toys available for your tots and school age kiddos. Then they can play and do their own thing as they would if you were travelling by car to class. You can still feel free to change diapers, feed, care and cuddle your pumpkins as you do all day, every day.

How can we still be together as a community when we’re online?

Just as we have always had time after class to chat and connect, we have that time online as well. We try to connect with our members by adding polls, asking questions and checking in. Often members stay at the end of class to chat or ask questions. We provide community support, resources and education when needed. We’re confident that we step up and help out when and where we’re needed.

What if my house is a mess?

It might be, and that’s ok! Ours might be too! Our kids are home, our partners might be home and there may be laundry, games, books and life happening all around us (if you have younger kids, there might be cheerios - luckily, my house is out of that stage:). No one will be looking at (or judging) your home. If you have a pet, there's a good chance they'll come over lick your face. Your child might knock stuff over and need to go pee right when we're about to get into our workout. This is real life. This is motherhood. It can be a bit messy, but we find ways to adapt.

Can my partner join me?

Yes, Of course! This is a great time for the entire household to start being more active together. If your partner is working from home then they are totally welcome to join us (and maybe they can choose to wear the baby if appropriate:) Just about anyone that you can fit into your workout space in front of your screen, is welcome to attend!

What if I am running late?

If you've reserved your spot, just log on when you can and join us! If you can’t come, please cancel your reservation.

What equipment do I need?

We are conscious that many people might not have exercise equipment or a lot of free space at home. Our workouts will use limited equipment or easy to find household items. If you have weights please use them. You can get creative and grab some soup cans, water bottles, wine bottles (full ones, lol!) or just use your body weight.

We might use special equipment from time to time, so if you’re looking to invest in more than some weights and a mat, we like loop bands, stability balls, yoga blocks and sometimes use a chair or bench.

What special training does a Fitmama Strong Instructor have?

Our instructors are certified as Personal Trainers or Fitness Instructors through recognized certifying bodies such as CanFitPro, the YMCA or the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and they are required to maintain their certification through continuing education each year. Instructors also have additional training and certifications in prenatal and postnatal fitness as well as training in CPR.